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Authorisation for transit authorised consignee

This procedure can be used when receiving goods which are presented with a Union external or internal transit declaration. Under the Union external transit procedure, non-Union goods may be moved from one point to another within the Union customs territory, without being subject to import duties and other taxes or to commercial policy measures. Under the Union internal transit procedure, Union goods may be moved from one point to another within the Union, and pass through the territory of a third country, without any change in their customs status. The goods and the accompanying document may be received directly in the commercial space or a place designated for this purpose.
  • Advantages

    • Cost and time savings as the goods do not be presented to customs.
    • Multiple locations may be included in the authorisation.
    • Cost price: 0 Euro.
  • Target group

    • Importers ;
    • Customs warehousing authorisation holders ;
    • Customs brokers.
  • Basic conditions

    • being established within the customs territory of the Union ;
    • the application for authorized consignee status must be submitted to the customs authorities in the Member State in which the transit by the applicant will end ;
    • declaring to regularly receive goods which have been placed under a transit procedure;
    • having a NCTS connection (in order to declare the transit electronically) ;
    • keeping adequate records.

    Customs supervision must be possible at all times.
  • Period

    The competent customs office of departure shall determine the period within which the transit comes to an end.
  • Points of particular attention

    • Presentation of the acknowledgement of receipt to the transporter upon request ;
    • Immediate transmission of the electronic notification to customs upon arrival : communication of any irregularities and occurrences which may have occurred during transportation ;
    • Delaying the unloading until permission is given by the customs office of destination only after can the seal be removed ;
    • Upon arrival, immediate notification of the results of the inspection of the goods and any irregularities to the customs office of destination.