1. Introduction
This section describes some general principles.
1.1. Reference documentation (European Commission, DG TAXUD)
The functional specifications are created by DG TAXUD, based on the legislation. They are reviewed and accepted by the EU Member States in the ECG ICS (Electronic Customs Group for ICS) These specifications form the basis for the Technical specifications.
The technical specifications are created by DG TAXUD, based on the functional specifications. They are reviewed and accepted by the EU Member States in the ECG ICS (Electronic Customs Group for ICS) These specifications form the basis for development of the National Import Customs Application (NICA) by a Member States Customs Service.
They are also subject to DG TAXUD's change management process, called KEL (Known Error List). While most of the time the impact of these changes is limited to the Common Domain (=message exchange between Customs Applications of different Member States), some of these KELs also impact the External Domain (=message exchange between economic operators and the NICA)
The business scope describes the downscope of ICS to 'ICS Phase 1'. All External Domain message exchanges concerning arrival processes have been removed.
These documents are provided for reference only. ( Proceed to the download section )
1.2. Specifications for economic operators
These (national) specifications are relevant for economic operators (traders) developing B2B message exchanges in the External Domain (=between economic operators and the National Import Customs Application). They are created by the national developer of MASP.be, based on the DDNIA.
Theoretically, it is possible that multiple versions of the same specification are in the pipeline. Therefore, Message Implementation Guides are organised per target release.
1.3. Testing
- Test environment
- ICS is available for testing since PLDA 3.2. It can be tested on the PLDA-Simulation URL (cfr. Links PLDA )
- Support
As of 15/07/2010, a dedicated e-mail address helpdesk.ics at minfin.fed.be exists for your ICS-related questions. Please remember to include the following information:
- the environment (TEST or PROD)
- PLDA-Web for questions concerning the web application
- PLDA-EDI for questions concerning B2B communication
- the IExxx number (if applicable)
- the MRN (if validated), LRN and/or correlation ID (rejection)
Before contacting the helpdesk, please consult the list of known issues/defects on the following URL: ST_ICS.pdf
- Use of EORI during tests
- The test environment is linked to the EORI production environment. This means that all existing and active EORI numbers can be used for testing. (Note: the defect that caused certain EORI numbers to generate a B2B_UNKNOWN_ERROR has been resolved)
- Known issues
- You can consult the list of known issues (defects) on the following URL: ST_ICS.pdf
This section lists all Reference documentation, Message Implementation Guides (MIGs), XML schemas and codes list available for download.
Code lists
CL8 Country Codes (full list) (XLS, 81.5 KB)
CL12 Language Codes (XLS, 45 KB)
CL13 Document Type (Common) (XLS, 97 KB)
CL17 Kind of Packages (XLS, 116.5 KB)
CL18 Transport Mode (XLS, 9.5 KB)
CL27 Flag (XLS, 11.5 KB)
CL39 Special Mention Code (XLS, 6.5 KB)
CL45 Amendment Rejection Motivation (XLS, 8.5 KB)
CL49 Functional Error Codes (XLS, 15 KB)
CL60 Message Types (XLS, 12.5 KB)
CL96 Specific Circumstance Indicator (XLS, 8 KB)
CL108 Customs Intervention (XLS, 7.5 KB)
CL109 Information Type (XLS, 7 KB)
CL116 Transport charges - Method of payment (XLS, 9 KB)
MASP.be_ICS_MIG Code lists_1.00 (PDF, 106.52 KB)
Message implementation guides
MASP.be_ICS_MIG Advanced Intervention_2.2 (PDF, 201.78 KB)
MASP.be_ICS_MIG Conditions and Rules_2.40 (PDF, 237.27 KB)
MASP.be_ICS_MIG Diversion_2.2 (PDF, 215.39 KB)
MASP.be_ICS_MIG ENS_2.2 (PDF, 370.4 KB)
MASP.be_ICS_MIG Overview_1.20 (DOC, 184.5 KB)
Reference docs
Functional specs
Technical specs
DDNIA-Appendix A1-v12.20-SfA (PDF, 327.2 KB)
DDNIA-Appendix A2-v12.20-SfA (PDF, 166.15 KB)
DDNIA-Appendix A3-v12.20-SfA (PDF, 181.6 KB)
DDNIA-Appendix C2-v12.20-SfA (PDF, 8.14 KB)
DDNIA-Appendix C-v12.20-SfA (PDF, 60.45 KB)
DDNIA-Appendix J-v12.20-SfA (PDF, 464.46 KB)
DDNIA-Appendix Q1-v12.20-SfA (PDF, 286.83 KB)
DDNIA-Appendix Q2-v12.20-SfA (PDF, 218.95 KB)
DDNIA-Appendix R-v12.20-SfA (PDF, 84.02 KB)
DDNIA-Appendix Y-v12.20-SfA (PDF, 10.88 KB)
DDNIA-Appendix Z-v12.20-SfA (PDF, 12.83 KB)
DDNIA-Main Document-v12.20-SfA (DOCX, 320.31 KB)
DDNIA-Main Document-v12.20-SfA (PDF, 839.91 KB)
Business scope
xsd.kel023 (ZIP, 31.75 KB)
20150623 Explanatory note (PDF, 83.1 KB)
3. Change log
- 25 Nov 2008
- Renamed released MIGs to version 1.00. Content unchanged.
- 12 Feb 2009
- Added XML mapping to several MIGs
- 11 Mar 2009
- Added SAD 2.0 XSD for import
- 05 May 2009
- Alignment with DG TAXUD KEL 0.18
XML schemas for IE messages - 06 May 2009
- Linked to SAD+ 2.04 in ECS section
- 15 May 2009
- Clarification of Trader Identification fields (Documentary change)
- 22 Jun 2009
- Added explicit link to MIG section on PLDA www
- 15 Jul 2009
- Corrected EDIFACT mappings ENS MIG(Person lodging the ENS, Trader representative)
Fixed broken URL (SAD+ XSD) - 11 Aug 2009
- Updated Reference Documentation section.
Added DDNIA 4.0, aligned to KEL 0.17
Added DDNIA 4.0, aligned to KEL 0.18
Redirect SAD+ XSD to ECS section to avoid further broken URLs. - 19 Apr 2010
- PLDA_MIG CUSCAR_ENS-D04A_v1.2.doc: Existing CUSCAR MIG has been split according to business process, with additional focus on removing inconsistencies within the document.
Documentary update only.
Note 1: This is a first step towards merging the two separate MIGs for ENS
Note 2: CUSRES MIG will undergo the same process
MASP.be_ICS_MIG ENS_1.06.doc: Updated reference A13 to new CUSCAR ENS MIG - 07 May 2010
- Uploaded DDNIA attachment (reference documentation)
- 18 May 2010
- Renamed section Delivery Management to Testing.
Added list of EORI-numbers available for test. - 01 July 2010
- Added explicit link for CUSREP Diversion message.
- 15 July 2010
- Published contact details Helpdesk ICS (Support section)
- 23 July 2010
- Published code lists (CS/RD extraction)
Updated Rules and conditions according to KEL0.19b - 24 August 2010
- Published list of known issues (StarTeam tickets, defects)
- 14 September 2010
- Updated section on EORI numbers
- 01 February 2011
- Published the business scope document in the Reference documentation section. (For information only)
Re-structured page
Removed obsolete reference documentation
Applied ICS P1 business scope and removed MIGs concerning arrival processes (=documentary update)
Added future release v5.0 - 31 May 2011
- Updated current and future release sections.
- 15 September 2011
- Published future XML schemas (KEL v0.23 aligned)
- 14 October 2011
- Confirmed PLDA release for XSD update
- 09 November 2011
- Updated PLDA release (same production date)
- 08 December 2011
- Updated current and future release sections.
- 12 December 2012
- Updated future release section.
- 13 December 2012
- Updated future release section with explanatory note.
- 26 September 2013
- Updated current and future release sections.
- 09 January 2014
- Updated future release section.
- 27 May 2014
- Updated future release section
- 02 Jun 2014
- Updated current and future release sections
- 18 Sep 2014
- Updated explanatory note in future release sections
- 02 Dec 2014
- Updated current and future release sections
- 26 Jun 2015
- Updated future release section